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07 August 2004 - 5:34 p.m.

it's another Saturday night and I'm not doing anything. I have a headache and I'm a little down. I've been down for a few days, but I also feel really stressed out, so I think the 2 are in correlation. There is so much crap running through my head that has to be done-- I have bills to pay, I have to work to get money for those bills, I have to work more to give money to my mom for what I owe her, I have to pack because I'm moving in 5 days, and I haven't even started going through my stuff yet. it goes on and on.

I'm glad that tomorrow is the last day of work for me at Disney, for a while anyway. I'll just have to concentrate on getting a new job when I get back to G-ville, and I'm about willing to work anywhere. even Publix.

Last night was the first time since D & I broke up that I felt truly alone. and I didn't feel lonely. It's like it took 2 months to sink in that I'm now single. and what did I do after this startling realization? I went to sleep. (ahh, the single life!) And it was a drugged sleep, since I haven't been sleeping well for 3 days. Thank God for tylenol pm.

I just had the weirdest memory pop into my head about 20 mins ago, when I was flipping through some pictures of Russia... and it made me laugh, and I wondered how the hell I could have forgotton that. I need to write that down. I wonder how many other random tidbits I've forgotton in the last month. I think it's time to start my scrapbook thing.

and that's all for now.

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